Thursday, March 18, 2010

Over The Hill

Susan looked into the mirror, her enemy, the mirror. She stared back at herself thinking “Where did the time go? 50. Am I really 50?” She pulled at the bags under her eyes, attempting to wipe them away. She tucked away the gray hairs that were sticking out from behind her ears. She even went so far as to hold up her boobs so they didn’t look so sad and saggy. She sighed. Susan was having a hard time coping with her age. She had been so beautiful when she was younger. She never was scarce for a date. Now, now she had been married for 30 years, with a man who had aged just as much as she had. She loved him, but she missed the excitement of her youth. She had played sports, as had her husband. Now they could barely walk the dog together without achy hips a few hours later. She was not ready to face the day, yet she knew she had to go to work. This would not be fun.

“SURPRISE!” the entire office shouted as Susan walked through the door. She sighed. Somehow she knew something like this was going to happen. She forced a smile onto her face and braved her coworkers. Of course they were going to throw her a party, she was the oldest one in the office, so none of them knew the devastation of waking up knowing half your life was now gone. Susan made it through the party in one piece, and was actually able to enjoy her cake, despite the fact that is had a grave stone on it with the number 50 and a large “Over the Hill” written in black icing. Everyone’s lips had turned purple due to the black icing, which gave Susan something to chuckle at when some of the interns had arrived later in the day, staring at everyone with confusion.

The drive home was quiet. Susan was stuck in traffic, but it seemed to be calm traffic, no one was honking, or yelling, or playing loud music. It gave Susan time to think, and somehow she came to this thought “I wonder how much of my life I have spent in traffic”, and then looked her watch. She had been sitting in this specific spot for the last 2 minutes, and tried to do the math on if that’s 2 minutes per mile, for 5 days a week, for 15 years…she lost track. A song had come onto the radio that she had remembered from her teenage years. Of course they had to play this song today, right now, at this moment. She sang along with the words, remembering her junior prom of which she was sure this song had played. She had met her husband that night. He was a senior, she a junior. He had been the new kid in town; his parents had been stationed in our little town off the coast. He was a military brat, and so many kids were almost afraid of him, as if his father, who was in the army, had trained him to kill. He was handsome with a strong jaw line, dark hair, and loving brown eyes. That was their first date, and she would never forget it.

Susan pulled into her driveway and sat in the car for a few moments afterwards. How many times had she pulled into this driveway and sat here for a few moments? There was no way she could know. She grabbed her bag and walking inside. She set her purse down on the kitchen table like she had done a million times, and hung her keys on the key holder next to the door like she had done a million times. She turned to the fridge, to get ready for that nights dinner, list she had done millions of times. Yet this time, there was a rose sitting inside the fridge. A yellow note was attached to it that said “Meet me on the patio” in her husbands writing. It was just past dusk, so it wasn’t quite dark yet and the beautiful colors had not yet faded. She walked out onto the patio to find her husband, dressed in his black slacks with a blue button up shirt, the sleeves rolled up three quarters of the way. He was holding a dozen roses. She smiled at him and approached him with arms wide open, preparing to hug him. They embraced and he handed her the roses. “I would have gotten you 50 of them, but roses are damn expensive” he said jokingly and kissed her on the cheek. He had already prepared dinner, and they sat and ate their dinner by candlelight underneath their gazebo in the backyard. Once they had finished their dinner, and a few glasses of wine, Susan began to shiver. It was well into darkness now, and the candles did little to warm her. “I’ll just run inside to grab my sweater” she said as she began to stand. He grabbed her hand carefully, and coerced her to stay only a few more minutes. “Just a little longer, then we’ll go inside, I promise” he said with a charming smile. How could she resist that smile? She sat back down, and he tried to rub away her goose bumps. He stood up and walked towards a flower pot on the ledge and pulled something from behind it. Susan struggled to see what it was, but the light was too dim to make it out. Then, he dropped to one knee, pulled a jewelry box out from behind his back, and lifted the top. It was a beautiful diamond ring. It sparkled in the candlelight and danced in his dark eyes. “Susan” he began, “You are the most beautiful, amazing woman I have ever met. 30 years ago I asked you to be my wife. We were young, and maybe a little stupid, but now, now that we are both older and wiser, I want you to know that I still want to spend the rest of my life with you. We can take this journey over the hill together. Will you do me the honor of renewing our vows?” Tears streamed down Susan’s face. It was all she could do was cry. No words came to her mouth, so she pulled her husband close to her and kissed him. His taste and caress was enough to bring her voice back to life, and she was able to whisper a loving “yes” into his ear, followed by “I love you.”

Baby Blue Birds

One day little Bobby was playing in the forest, when he saw a worm crawling in the dirt. Excited, Bobby pulled the worm out of the ground and held it in his hand. As the worm squirmed frantically in his hand, Bobby smiled as he poked it with his little finger. Suddenly, the worm was snatched out of Bobby’s hand without warning! Bobby cried out and looked up to see a blue bird flying away with his worm. Bobby was outraged! That was his worm, and no stupid bird could have it! He decided to chase the bird, determined to get his worm back. Luckily, he had his slingshot in his pocket, and grabbed a nice big stone off the cold ground as he started to run after it. Aiming so carefully, Bobby launched his stone into the air, and barely missed the blue bird. In reaction to the stone, the bird made a dive for a nearby tree. Bobby, thinking he had hit the bird, and that’s why it began flying downwards, followed it as much as he could. Seeing the bird in the tree it had taken for shelter, Bobby climbed up the tall trunk of the tree, his eyes set on getting his worm back. As Bobby approached the branch where the blue bird sat, a twig snapped underneath his foot, and he slipped a few inches. The noise alarmed the little blue bird, and it went off on its way back into the blue sky. At this point Bobby was very tired, and decided that he could always find another worm. He sat himself on a branch to rest when he saw a nest full of baby blue birds! This is why the bird had taken his worm! His worm was meant for the babies. Feeling guilty for scaring away the mommy bird with their food, Bobby hopped out of the tree and began searching for new worms. About 10 minutes and 5 worms later, Bobby was back in the tree, trying to feed the babies the worms. He held them out above their mouths, waiting for them to snatch the worms up, but all they did was peep in a language Bobby knew must be blue bird, but he didn’t know how to speak blue bird. He did his best, but knew he probably wasn’t saying that made any sense to the little baby birds. So finally, he just laid the worms in the nest, hoping that the mommy bird could use them to feed the babies later.
On his way home, Bobby couldn’t help but think about the baby birds, and was intent on telling his mom all about it when he got home. His mother was in the kitchen peeling potatoes when he came in through the back door into the room. “Bobby, you’re home, and you’re a mess! What have you been up to?” she asked since Bobby was indeed quite dirty from picking through the dirt to find the worms, and the tree leaves that had broken off into his hair. “Mommy! I met some baby birds! They were in the tree in the backyard there. Their mommy stole my worm, and I tried to get them more worms, but they wouldn’t eat them…” Bobby said excitingly, yet trailing off in disappointment at the fact that the babies wouldn’t eat his worms. His mother looked at him lovingly, put the potatoes she was working on back into the sink, and sat next to her son and gave him a big hug. “Well you know Bobby, you’re not supposed to take candy from strangers. I’m sure it was nothing personal, they were just doing what their mother told them.” Bobby smiled at his mom and laughed. He hadn’t even thought about it that way. “Now go get cleaned up! Dinner will be ready in a little bit” and Bobby ran upstairs to wash his hands, thinking that if he went back tomorrow, and the next day, that way, one day he wouldn’t be a stranger to the blue bird babies, and they would take his worms.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Race.

Jessica and her mother were shopping at the Santa Fe Mall when all of a sudden an announcement came over the speakers, in a cool, crisp, female voice. The voice was audible in every store of the large, 3 story mall. “Attention all young girls’ ages 14-17, Teen Vogue is having a contest in our mall today. The first 15 girls, who can find their secret location, will get to walk in a special fashion show for star Tyra Banks. Good luck.” The speaker clicked off and Jessica stood there, her mouth agape. She looked at her mother “Can I?” Her mom looked at her for a moment… then nodded her head. Jessica jumped into the air triumphantly and began heading towards the teen section of the mall. “It would probably be other there right?” she thought has she hastily jogged up the escalator. Once she reached the second floor, Jessica began scouring the area for any sort of clues. As she passed Sees Candy, she noticed another girl, probably just a year older than herself, and very skinny. She had pale skin that was growing pink in the cheeks; she had been rushing just like Jessica. The girl turned and met Jessica’s stare. They both stopped. Eyes deadlocked on each other.

Suddenly, they both sprinted towards the next set of escalators. “It had to be in the 3rd floor, it had to be” Jessica thought has she continued to check the position of the girl on the other side of the walkway. It was almost as if whoever made it to the 3rd floor first was going to win. Jessica ran with all her might, her skirt flailing behind her. They were neck in neck, it was clear that they’d get there at the same time. Not wanting to slow down for even a second, both girls flung themselves into the escalator, but in the process crashed into each other. They both fell on the tile with a loud thud. Jessica got up as quickly as she could, and just barely made the escalator before the other girl. Feeling confident that she was going to make it, she stopped for a moment to adjust her skirt. She did not want to walk into the Teen Vogue location looking like such a mess. Then suddenly she felt a tug on the back of her hair! The girl had run up the escalator and was apparently willing to do most anything to beat Jessica. Yelling with pain, Jessica was pulled back out of the way of the mystery girl. Thinking fast on her feet she stuck out her foot and tripped the girl as she was getting off the escalator. The girl hit the floor with a smack, her hands breaking her fall on the tile. Jessica too the opportunity and ran past her opponent, all the while stepping on her fingers. Jessica turned a round and round trying to think where the secret location could be, she almost got dizzy. Suddenly she saw a young girl jumping up and down in front of a photography studio at the end of the hallway. “That has to be it” Jessica said, and began to sprint towards it. The other girl had since recovered and had began to run in the opposite direction until she saw Jessica speed towards the photography studio, where she too saw the young girl jumping for joy. She turned and chased after her. Jessica, hearing fast footsteps gaining on her, looked over her shoulder to find the girl she had stepped on not but 7 feet behind her. Jessica then gave it her all, more than she had ever given anything. She busted into the photography studio to find the jumping girl, and the girl’s family, standing around a portrait of the jumping girl. Jessica started at the family, who stared at her. “This isn’t the…is it?” she asked out of breath to the seemingly appalled family. The young girl who was seen jumping shook her head, and had begun to say something when the girl chasing Jessica turned the corner into the store. Her jaw dropped at the sight of the family, the portrait, and Jessica. Jessica and she met each others gaze once more, both of them looking quite haggard. Suddenly there was a loud cheer from downstairs, and the same cool, female voice comes back on over the speaker “Congratulations to all the girls who made it to the Teen Vogue fashion show! To all of those who didn’t quit make it, Good Luck next time girls.” Click.

Written on time, Posted a little late

“I felt trapped, but then I fell in love. Marriage, psh. Kids, hell no. You really think I’m going to put my life on hold to have a crying, pooping baby? I’m going to go to school and become someone. I’m going to be a powerful person someday. Go through nine months of hell to push a baby through my vagina? I don’t think so. I can hardly take my boyfriends penis! Let alone a full grown baby! If I ever get pregnant on accident, I’m having an abortion.

That’s what I thought about marriage back in the day. Then I started noticing the children with their parents on the train. Some kids would scream and cry, which would deepen my earlier sentiments. Yet, others would sit quietly, holding their mothers hand, the mother leaning over and tickling her daughters ear with a bright purple feather they must have gotten from a craft store. The little girl’s laughter seemed to echo in my mind, drowning out the quiet chatter of the other bus riders and the rumblings of the bus. How adorable. How wonderful, that look in the mother’s eye as she smiles at that piece of herself. That look. That’s the look that made me want to have a child. That’s the look that made me feel like I had just understood something great, something important. That’s the look.

I found that this look wasn’t in all parent’s eyes. Some parents had hate, resentment, and fear in their eyes, and you could see it in their children as well. The kids looked sad, dejected, or sometimes even livid as they’d thrash about in defiance as their parents struggle to control them. Control. As I thought those words I began to wonder, perhaps that is the allurement of children. Control. Those who usually focus on careers are essentially looking for control, control over others, over their employees, over their company. Control.

My boyfriend and I always see misbehaving children and think, our kids would never do that, our kids will be well behaved. I bet everyone thinks that though. Everyone believes their child is the best, the cutest, the smartest. Our kids won’t ever get into drugs. Our kid will be a good kid. What is the difference between these parents who make it as a “good parent” or a “bad parent”? Does keeping your language PG around the kids keep them from being a bully? Does giving them milk instead of soda at lunch really make them a calmer individual? If only I knew.

I guess everyone feels that way. “If only I knew”. I bet that’s what the orphans mother said when the condom broke. I bet that’s what the doctor said as he performed the abortion of a baby who would have become the man to discover the cure for cancer. If only I knew what I was meant to do in this world.

Evolution says that that is our purpose. Reproduction. Yet, so many people strive to break out of nature to become “civilized”. Why has nature become enemy number one? If only I knew.” Sharon sat back into her computer chair. She scanned over her work, stretched out her legs underneath the desk she had been sitting at for hours. She looked over at her husband, playing with their son on the living room carpet. Her husband looked back at her and smiled. She knew.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Let's Just Say - She learned her lesson

LuScIoUsLiPs88: Sexy 21/f here looking for a good time!

Sue watched the chat room participants stream their own greetings to the newly opened chat room. Bing!
A pop-up appeared on the screen:
Private Message from EVIL2THECORE
Accept Decline

Sue took her mouse and quickly hit accept. The pop-up window expanded into a private chat IM.

EVIL2THECORE: hey babi hear ur lookin 4 a good time
Sue giggled gaily.
LuScIoUsLiPs88: hellz yeah! ASL?
EVIL2THECORE: 21/m/cali u?
LuScIoUsLiPs88: 20/f/TX

Sue smiled. She didn't really live in Texas. She lived in Simi Valley, California, with her parents. Sue was 15 years old and was a sophomore at Simi Valley High School. This was Sue's favorite past time; find some poor sap online and tease the hell out of him. The truth about Sue is that she was acutally a good kid. She got good grades, behaved herself at home, and had a few good friends. Yet, Sue had yet to have to a boyfriend.

After a few hours of talking to EVIL2THECORE, who had by that time said his name was Jake, LuScIoUsLiPs88, now named Janette, Sue was called to dinner.
"Sue! Dinner is ready!" called her mother from downstairs. "Gross" thought Sue. They were having fish. Sue hated fish.

Janette: This has been fun ;) but I've got to run.
Jake: leaving me already?
Janette: The girls and I are goingg out. PARTY!
Jake: o yea? make sure 2 take a drink 4 me
Janette: I'll take 2 ;)

"Sue!" Her mother was now standing in her doorway. Sue quickly minimized the window immediately.
"Did you not hear me call you to dinner?"
"Sorry mom, I didn't. My music was pretty loud. Jonas Brothers" Sue smiled innocently.
"Well go on then, I'm gonna pick up some of your know, the ones all over the place! " her mother said, with humor, peering over her daughters shoulder at the computer screen.
Sue quickly got up and headed downstairs. Her mom made sure she could hear Sue talking to her father before she moved a muscle. Once the distant voices of her family downstairs had reached her, she instantly clicked on the flashing orange bar at the bottom of the screen. The entire conversation flashed before her eyes. With every new line, she was more and more disgusted. Was this really her daughter?

Jake: o yea? make sure 2 take a drink 4 me
Janette: I'll take 2 ;)
Jake: awesome. too bad i cant b there...
Jake: u there?

Sue's mother, Sandra, continued to stare blankly at the screen. Should she?...Yes.

Janette: Hi Jake. This is "Janette"s mother. She is really a 15 year old girl in high school, and is in some serious trouble. I suggest you never try to contact her again.
Jake: o shit im sorry
[EVIL2THECORE has logged off]

Sandra sighed and relaxed against the back of her daughters computer chair. She ran her hands through her hair in frustration. How was she supposed to handle this? Talk to her would probably be the most obvious answer...but how could she tell her only child that her mother completely violated her privacy? She couldn't. She wouldn't.

Sandra went downstairs and ate dinner with her family, all the while distracted with the dilemma of how to handle the situation. Later that night, while in bed with her husband, she told him all about the online conversation.

"How are we going to handle this Derek? I don't know how we're going to handle this. I don't know if I can handle this Derek!"
"Sandra, calm down. Maybe Sue is just...lonely?"
"But she always has friends over... I just don't understand"

The two sat there for a few silent minutes, then Derek said "I've got an idea. What if... and just follow me here... what if... we got someone to message her and talk to her for a few weeks, pretend they're someone her age, ask to meet her after a while, and it really be a 40 year old guy. I could ask my friend Joe from work! He loves pranks. This would just be like a big prank!"
Sandra looked at her husband in disbelief. "Have you lost your mind?!?! Do you hear what you're saying?! How is that good parenting?!?!"
"You're the one who is afraider than shit to talk to your own daughter!"
She sighed. Did she have a choice?

"Hey Joe!" Derek said into his cellphone the next morning. "I've got a proposition for you..."
Sandra couldn't listen. She felt horrible for agreeing to do this. What kind of mother allows this kind of torture of her children... but then she remember the conversation. This would work.

Sue sat down at her computer screen and threw her backpack on the floor next to her. She logged on.
Welcome LuScIoUsLiPs88

Sandra called her husband "Hey darling. She's home and in her room. Are you sure this will be okay?"
"It'll be fine baby. Go ahead and go about things like normal. I love you. I'll let you know how things go" and then he hung up. Derek wheeled around his office chair to the cubicle beside him.
Joe was creating a screen name on his computer: cockadoodledoo67.
Derek laughed. "Cock a doodle-doo? Really?" Joe spinned around and laughed.
"Well yeah... have you got anything better then?!"
"haha I guess not"
"Well then just shut your trap!" Joe said jokingly then turned back to his computer screen.

Cockadoodledo067: Hey there!
LuScIoUsLiPs88: Hi. asl?
16/m/cali how about yourself?
LuScIoUsLiPs88: 15/f/cali! How awesome! How'd you get my screenname?

Joe turned around to Derek "How did I get her screen name?"
"I dunno, say you found it in another chat room, or from a friend or some shit. You're supposed to be the prankster. Be creative!"
Joe swiveled back to the screen.
Derek sighed "This is going to be interesting...."

Cockadoodledoo67: Oh, well I saw you in another chatroom.
LuScIoUsLiPs88: Oh! okay well, what part of cali are you from?

[2 weeks later]

Cockadoodledoo67: Wow Sue, I really love talking to you.
LuScIoUsLiPs88: I love talking to you too Raul.
Cockadoodledoo67: I know we've only been talking for a few weeks, but if you'd let me, I'd really love to come and visit you. I've got my provisional license, so I can borrow my parent's car.
LuScIoUsLiPs88: hmm... I don't know Raul. I'd be pretty nervous. I'd be too tempted to kiss you all over the moment I see you.
All the more reason for me to come down!
LuScIoUsLiPs88: ...okay. Yeah. Let's do this.

Today was the day. Sue had convinced her mother to buy her a new dress just for the occasion. It was a yellow sundress with white daisies on it. Sue finished putting on the small amount of makeup her mom would let her wear, and headed downstairs. Her mother drove her to the park, and dropped her off.
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you until Sarah comes?" asked Sandra.
"Nah, I'll be okay mom, thanks though. It's just the park."
Sandra smiled, let her daughter walk a few steps towards the park, and then drove away.

Sue sat on the empty swings for a few minutes before a blue minivan pulled up the the curb. What this him? She held her breath... no. It was just a family with their two little kids. Their kids ran past Sue towards the playground. She glanced back at the parents who were heading towards a bench, then out from behind a bush near the benches came an older looking man. He was probably the same age as her daddy. He met her gaze and Sue turned away.
The small children laughed and played, Sue keeping her eyes on them for fear of meeting that old man's gaze once again. Suddenly, someone sat in the empty swing next to her.

"Hi" he said plainly. Sue didn't respond.
"You look nice in your dress Sue..."
Sue gasped and jumped off her swing.
"Who are you?!?! What do you want?" she said loudly, full of panic.
"Please! Calm down! Shh, it's me. Raul!"
Sue stopped dead in her tracks as she had began to move away from him.
"I thought we had a connection...even if I'm not exactly 15..." Joe said in one last attempt to ease her concern.
Sue sat down again on the swing. "Why did you lie to me?" she asked.
"Because I'm lonely... will you come with me to my place and help me stop being lonely?"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Step One

So. Imagination. It was easy to find it as a kid, but now, as a young adult in college, where did our imagination go? I might not be a theatre, art, English, or music major, but I certainly think that college kids are allowed to have an imagination. I feel like I've lost mine, and am on a quest to find it. To find myself, really. I've lost the bright, imaginative, funny girl I was in high school. I want her back . This is step one.

My Little White Ledge

"The clouds must be in a hurry" I thought, as I watched them roll across the mostly clear blue sky. The sun is really handsome today, so strong and powerful. I love when he's around, he makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I can see the trees and shrubs dancing in his rays. One day I'll join them, dancing in the suns glorious rays. I'm just a baby for now, but when I grow up to be big and strong, I'll join them. I'll join them in dance, and in song, and in drink when it rains.
Man, I'm thirsty. I wonder when my mommy will give me some water. She forgets. I know she doesn't mean to, I'm sure she's busy. It doesn't help that I'm on this landing all by myself.... Of course, there is the occasonal bug who sits at the window with me and watches the people go by, but they grow restless and leave me. It's okay though. If I had legs, I'd walk away too.

[6 months later]

Where is that woman? I haven't had any water in days! i'm beginning to ache all over, and I've definitely lost my beautiful glow. If only I had legs. I'd kick out the window and join the world like I should. I can't wait to get out of here. Soon I'll be gone. I'll go out and experience the world. Leggy, my spider friend, tells me all about the outside world. Like that the trees actually dance with wind and breeze. I asked him if the other plants were nice. He said he'd never really had a problem, but that he's more of an inside bug anyways. Soon...soon....

[Several weeks later]

I'm there! I mean, here! I mean... goodness, I'm not even sure where I am. I'm outside. I can feel the sun, ah wonderful sun! How I longed to meet you, not seperated by a stupid piece of glass. Oh my! The breeze is friendlier than I thought...

[Several Hours Later]
Oh, goodbye sun! I'll see you tomorrow... oh...why is it so cold? Is anyone else cold? No? Hmm... okay. I'll just... WHOA! What was that? Water!!! Oh wow... oh...okay.... ow!!! Ah! It's attacking me.... why would water attack me? - What do you mean it's not attacking me? It's hitting me, and it hurts, what about that isn't attacking? -Oh... ow. Well...okay...ow.


That. Was. The. WORST. Night. EVER. Sun! Thank God! You're here. How I missed you! I bet all the pretty flowers say that... Sigh. Leggy made outside sound so wonderful... this isn't wonderful... this is... hard. I miss my little white ledge....

[Two hours later]

The good thing about outside is that I get to see the people better. I saw a young man and woman walk by earlier... they were holding hands... using their legs to just walk away... away to who knows where....maybe somewhere better....somewhere where the pretty flowers grow I'm sure....

Oh look! A little girl! Aww, she has flowers all over her dress! How flattering haha Oooh, she's coming towards me! Oh my! She's smelling me!!!! I've never been smelt before! I thought only pretty flowers get smelt! i'm swooning! Or is that the breeze? Still, I'm swooning! Oh, she's grabbing my stem, Oh no! What the...What is she... OW, NO! AHHHHHH....

[10 minutes later in an apartment across the street]

This feels so good... I don't know what this is... a vase? I think I heard her mommy say vase... Wow. I've got water. Constant water. This is amazing. I feel so amazing... aw. I'm on a white ledge. I love my little white ledge.