Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby Blue Birds

One day little Bobby was playing in the forest, when he saw a worm crawling in the dirt. Excited, Bobby pulled the worm out of the ground and held it in his hand. As the worm squirmed frantically in his hand, Bobby smiled as he poked it with his little finger. Suddenly, the worm was snatched out of Bobby’s hand without warning! Bobby cried out and looked up to see a blue bird flying away with his worm. Bobby was outraged! That was his worm, and no stupid bird could have it! He decided to chase the bird, determined to get his worm back. Luckily, he had his slingshot in his pocket, and grabbed a nice big stone off the cold ground as he started to run after it. Aiming so carefully, Bobby launched his stone into the air, and barely missed the blue bird. In reaction to the stone, the bird made a dive for a nearby tree. Bobby, thinking he had hit the bird, and that’s why it began flying downwards, followed it as much as he could. Seeing the bird in the tree it had taken for shelter, Bobby climbed up the tall trunk of the tree, his eyes set on getting his worm back. As Bobby approached the branch where the blue bird sat, a twig snapped underneath his foot, and he slipped a few inches. The noise alarmed the little blue bird, and it went off on its way back into the blue sky. At this point Bobby was very tired, and decided that he could always find another worm. He sat himself on a branch to rest when he saw a nest full of baby blue birds! This is why the bird had taken his worm! His worm was meant for the babies. Feeling guilty for scaring away the mommy bird with their food, Bobby hopped out of the tree and began searching for new worms. About 10 minutes and 5 worms later, Bobby was back in the tree, trying to feed the babies the worms. He held them out above their mouths, waiting for them to snatch the worms up, but all they did was peep in a language Bobby knew must be blue bird, but he didn’t know how to speak blue bird. He did his best, but knew he probably wasn’t saying that made any sense to the little baby birds. So finally, he just laid the worms in the nest, hoping that the mommy bird could use them to feed the babies later.
On his way home, Bobby couldn’t help but think about the baby birds, and was intent on telling his mom all about it when he got home. His mother was in the kitchen peeling potatoes when he came in through the back door into the room. “Bobby, you’re home, and you’re a mess! What have you been up to?” she asked since Bobby was indeed quite dirty from picking through the dirt to find the worms, and the tree leaves that had broken off into his hair. “Mommy! I met some baby birds! They were in the tree in the backyard there. Their mommy stole my worm, and I tried to get them more worms, but they wouldn’t eat them…” Bobby said excitingly, yet trailing off in disappointment at the fact that the babies wouldn’t eat his worms. His mother looked at him lovingly, put the potatoes she was working on back into the sink, and sat next to her son and gave him a big hug. “Well you know Bobby, you’re not supposed to take candy from strangers. I’m sure it was nothing personal, they were just doing what their mother told them.” Bobby smiled at his mom and laughed. He hadn’t even thought about it that way. “Now go get cleaned up! Dinner will be ready in a little bit” and Bobby ran upstairs to wash his hands, thinking that if he went back tomorrow, and the next day, that way, one day he wouldn’t be a stranger to the blue bird babies, and they would take his worms.

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