Thursday, March 11, 2010

Let's Just Say - She learned her lesson

LuScIoUsLiPs88: Sexy 21/f here looking for a good time!

Sue watched the chat room participants stream their own greetings to the newly opened chat room. Bing!
A pop-up appeared on the screen:
Private Message from EVIL2THECORE
Accept Decline

Sue took her mouse and quickly hit accept. The pop-up window expanded into a private chat IM.

EVIL2THECORE: hey babi hear ur lookin 4 a good time
Sue giggled gaily.
LuScIoUsLiPs88: hellz yeah! ASL?
EVIL2THECORE: 21/m/cali u?
LuScIoUsLiPs88: 20/f/TX

Sue smiled. She didn't really live in Texas. She lived in Simi Valley, California, with her parents. Sue was 15 years old and was a sophomore at Simi Valley High School. This was Sue's favorite past time; find some poor sap online and tease the hell out of him. The truth about Sue is that she was acutally a good kid. She got good grades, behaved herself at home, and had a few good friends. Yet, Sue had yet to have to a boyfriend.

After a few hours of talking to EVIL2THECORE, who had by that time said his name was Jake, LuScIoUsLiPs88, now named Janette, Sue was called to dinner.
"Sue! Dinner is ready!" called her mother from downstairs. "Gross" thought Sue. They were having fish. Sue hated fish.

Janette: This has been fun ;) but I've got to run.
Jake: leaving me already?
Janette: The girls and I are goingg out. PARTY!
Jake: o yea? make sure 2 take a drink 4 me
Janette: I'll take 2 ;)

"Sue!" Her mother was now standing in her doorway. Sue quickly minimized the window immediately.
"Did you not hear me call you to dinner?"
"Sorry mom, I didn't. My music was pretty loud. Jonas Brothers" Sue smiled innocently.
"Well go on then, I'm gonna pick up some of your know, the ones all over the place! " her mother said, with humor, peering over her daughters shoulder at the computer screen.
Sue quickly got up and headed downstairs. Her mom made sure she could hear Sue talking to her father before she moved a muscle. Once the distant voices of her family downstairs had reached her, she instantly clicked on the flashing orange bar at the bottom of the screen. The entire conversation flashed before her eyes. With every new line, she was more and more disgusted. Was this really her daughter?

Jake: o yea? make sure 2 take a drink 4 me
Janette: I'll take 2 ;)
Jake: awesome. too bad i cant b there...
Jake: u there?

Sue's mother, Sandra, continued to stare blankly at the screen. Should she?...Yes.

Janette: Hi Jake. This is "Janette"s mother. She is really a 15 year old girl in high school, and is in some serious trouble. I suggest you never try to contact her again.
Jake: o shit im sorry
[EVIL2THECORE has logged off]

Sandra sighed and relaxed against the back of her daughters computer chair. She ran her hands through her hair in frustration. How was she supposed to handle this? Talk to her would probably be the most obvious answer...but how could she tell her only child that her mother completely violated her privacy? She couldn't. She wouldn't.

Sandra went downstairs and ate dinner with her family, all the while distracted with the dilemma of how to handle the situation. Later that night, while in bed with her husband, she told him all about the online conversation.

"How are we going to handle this Derek? I don't know how we're going to handle this. I don't know if I can handle this Derek!"
"Sandra, calm down. Maybe Sue is just...lonely?"
"But she always has friends over... I just don't understand"

The two sat there for a few silent minutes, then Derek said "I've got an idea. What if... and just follow me here... what if... we got someone to message her and talk to her for a few weeks, pretend they're someone her age, ask to meet her after a while, and it really be a 40 year old guy. I could ask my friend Joe from work! He loves pranks. This would just be like a big prank!"
Sandra looked at her husband in disbelief. "Have you lost your mind?!?! Do you hear what you're saying?! How is that good parenting?!?!"
"You're the one who is afraider than shit to talk to your own daughter!"
She sighed. Did she have a choice?

"Hey Joe!" Derek said into his cellphone the next morning. "I've got a proposition for you..."
Sandra couldn't listen. She felt horrible for agreeing to do this. What kind of mother allows this kind of torture of her children... but then she remember the conversation. This would work.

Sue sat down at her computer screen and threw her backpack on the floor next to her. She logged on.
Welcome LuScIoUsLiPs88

Sandra called her husband "Hey darling. She's home and in her room. Are you sure this will be okay?"
"It'll be fine baby. Go ahead and go about things like normal. I love you. I'll let you know how things go" and then he hung up. Derek wheeled around his office chair to the cubicle beside him.
Joe was creating a screen name on his computer: cockadoodledoo67.
Derek laughed. "Cock a doodle-doo? Really?" Joe spinned around and laughed.
"Well yeah... have you got anything better then?!"
"haha I guess not"
"Well then just shut your trap!" Joe said jokingly then turned back to his computer screen.

Cockadoodledo067: Hey there!
LuScIoUsLiPs88: Hi. asl?
16/m/cali how about yourself?
LuScIoUsLiPs88: 15/f/cali! How awesome! How'd you get my screenname?

Joe turned around to Derek "How did I get her screen name?"
"I dunno, say you found it in another chat room, or from a friend or some shit. You're supposed to be the prankster. Be creative!"
Joe swiveled back to the screen.
Derek sighed "This is going to be interesting...."

Cockadoodledoo67: Oh, well I saw you in another chatroom.
LuScIoUsLiPs88: Oh! okay well, what part of cali are you from?

[2 weeks later]

Cockadoodledoo67: Wow Sue, I really love talking to you.
LuScIoUsLiPs88: I love talking to you too Raul.
Cockadoodledoo67: I know we've only been talking for a few weeks, but if you'd let me, I'd really love to come and visit you. I've got my provisional license, so I can borrow my parent's car.
LuScIoUsLiPs88: hmm... I don't know Raul. I'd be pretty nervous. I'd be too tempted to kiss you all over the moment I see you.
All the more reason for me to come down!
LuScIoUsLiPs88: ...okay. Yeah. Let's do this.

Today was the day. Sue had convinced her mother to buy her a new dress just for the occasion. It was a yellow sundress with white daisies on it. Sue finished putting on the small amount of makeup her mom would let her wear, and headed downstairs. Her mother drove her to the park, and dropped her off.
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you until Sarah comes?" asked Sandra.
"Nah, I'll be okay mom, thanks though. It's just the park."
Sandra smiled, let her daughter walk a few steps towards the park, and then drove away.

Sue sat on the empty swings for a few minutes before a blue minivan pulled up the the curb. What this him? She held her breath... no. It was just a family with their two little kids. Their kids ran past Sue towards the playground. She glanced back at the parents who were heading towards a bench, then out from behind a bush near the benches came an older looking man. He was probably the same age as her daddy. He met her gaze and Sue turned away.
The small children laughed and played, Sue keeping her eyes on them for fear of meeting that old man's gaze once again. Suddenly, someone sat in the empty swing next to her.

"Hi" he said plainly. Sue didn't respond.
"You look nice in your dress Sue..."
Sue gasped and jumped off her swing.
"Who are you?!?! What do you want?" she said loudly, full of panic.
"Please! Calm down! Shh, it's me. Raul!"
Sue stopped dead in her tracks as she had began to move away from him.
"I thought we had a connection...even if I'm not exactly 15..." Joe said in one last attempt to ease her concern.
Sue sat down again on the swing. "Why did you lie to me?" she asked.
"Because I'm lonely... will you come with me to my place and help me stop being lonely?"

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