Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Little White Ledge

"The clouds must be in a hurry" I thought, as I watched them roll across the mostly clear blue sky. The sun is really handsome today, so strong and powerful. I love when he's around, he makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I can see the trees and shrubs dancing in his rays. One day I'll join them, dancing in the suns glorious rays. I'm just a baby for now, but when I grow up to be big and strong, I'll join them. I'll join them in dance, and in song, and in drink when it rains.
Man, I'm thirsty. I wonder when my mommy will give me some water. She forgets. I know she doesn't mean to, I'm sure she's busy. It doesn't help that I'm on this landing all by myself.... Of course, there is the occasonal bug who sits at the window with me and watches the people go by, but they grow restless and leave me. It's okay though. If I had legs, I'd walk away too.

[6 months later]

Where is that woman? I haven't had any water in days! i'm beginning to ache all over, and I've definitely lost my beautiful glow. If only I had legs. I'd kick out the window and join the world like I should. I can't wait to get out of here. Soon I'll be gone. I'll go out and experience the world. Leggy, my spider friend, tells me all about the outside world. Like that the trees actually dance with wind and breeze. I asked him if the other plants were nice. He said he'd never really had a problem, but that he's more of an inside bug anyways. Soon...soon....

[Several weeks later]

I'm there! I mean, here! I mean... goodness, I'm not even sure where I am. I'm outside. I can feel the sun, ah wonderful sun! How I longed to meet you, not seperated by a stupid piece of glass. Oh my! The breeze is friendlier than I thought...

[Several Hours Later]
Oh, goodbye sun! I'll see you tomorrow... oh...why is it so cold? Is anyone else cold? No? Hmm... okay. I'll just... WHOA! What was that? Water!!! Oh wow... oh...okay.... ow!!! Ah! It's attacking me.... why would water attack me? - What do you mean it's not attacking me? It's hitting me, and it hurts, what about that isn't attacking? -Oh... ow. Well...okay...ow.


That. Was. The. WORST. Night. EVER. Sun! Thank God! You're here. How I missed you! I bet all the pretty flowers say that... Sigh. Leggy made outside sound so wonderful... this isn't wonderful... this is... hard. I miss my little white ledge....

[Two hours later]

The good thing about outside is that I get to see the people better. I saw a young man and woman walk by earlier... they were holding hands... using their legs to just walk away... away to who knows where....maybe somewhere better....somewhere where the pretty flowers grow I'm sure....

Oh look! A little girl! Aww, she has flowers all over her dress! How flattering haha Oooh, she's coming towards me! Oh my! She's smelling me!!!! I've never been smelt before! I thought only pretty flowers get smelt! i'm swooning! Or is that the breeze? Still, I'm swooning! Oh, she's grabbing my stem, Oh no! What the...What is she... OW, NO! AHHHHHH....

[10 minutes later in an apartment across the street]

This feels so good... I don't know what this is... a vase? I think I heard her mommy say vase... Wow. I've got water. Constant water. This is amazing. I feel so amazing... aw. I'm on a white ledge. I love my little white ledge.

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